Training in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu will cover a broad range of areas including but not limited to:
- Dakentaijutsu (Striking, Kicking)
- Jutaijutsu (Joint Locks, Grappling)
- Ukemi (Receiving attacks, rolling)
- Kenjutsu (katana)
- Sojutsu (spear)
- Bojutsu (staff)
- Tantojutsu (knife)
- and much more. . .
Though the training is non-competitive in nature, that is not to say it isn’t physically demanding. As with many classical Japanese martial arts there are numerous Kata and Waza. That the Bujinkan is comprised of 9 individual schools increases that number. These Kata and Waza provide a vehicle for learning the concepts within them, which is the ultimate goal. At times, the focus of training may seem to shift back and forth from technically specific adherence to these Kata and seemingly unrelated conceptual applications or drills. The desired outcome is to eventually be able to recognize the commonalities between all these methods of training and be able to freely apply the lessons learned without the constraint of any defined form or technique. That is actually a very lofty goal, and one that can never be attained without a strong understanding and command of the fundamentals behind this art.
Classes will be mostly devoted to building and refining that understanding and command. That being said, classes will always be catered to the audience to try to maximize the potential benefit of all participants. We have never been accused of being overly rigid in our approach to training…